Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The End Game

Another timely article from Chang Noi on Thaksin vs Sondhi. 'Two and a half' theories on what's really behind the conflict. Personally I think it's probably a mix of 'Democracy and the Last Straw' and that last half an explanation concerning the old guard.

And surprisingly the Nation website, has suddenly introduced a splash screen purporting to know 'The Truth about Thaksin and Sondhi'.

Nation - Thaksin vs Sondhi

The article begins with a bold understatement in it's very own paragrah: "It’s not all about media freedom and democracy." After a few weeks of generally lambasting the government on press freedom and, in my feeling, hiding their uneasiness with the tactics and credibility of its main critic, the editors seem to be more open now about it.


The conflict between Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and media owner Sondhi
Limthongkul is driven mainly by business interest as the latter lost his cash cow in the government’s corral before he started firing a series of salvos at his former friend.


He has never told the public that business interest was the driving force in his movement against Thaksin.


Despite being no good for the nation as a whole, Sondhi’s royalist rhetoric is actually working...


Another thought about the whole line of thought comes from optimistic Dr. Chaianant Samudvanija, writing in his column on Sondhi's Manager Daily.

ผมทำนายว่า สนธิจะเพลาการพูดถึงพระเจ้าอยู่หัวลง แต่จะหยิบยกเรื่องการขัดกันด้านผลประโยชน์ของรัฐ และตัวทักษิณมาพูดมากขึ้น เวลานี้เมืองไทยเราโชคดีที่มีสนธิมาทำหน้าที่แทนฝ่ายค้าน เพราะฝ่ายค้านเอง ประชาชนมองว่าเป็นการเมือง ดังนั้น ส.ส.พรรคไทยรักไทยจึงพยายามโยงสนธิกับพรรคประชาธิปัตย์

I predict that Sondhi will gradually cease to bring His Majesty into the debate, but still bring up issues related to Thaksin's conflict of interest. At this say and age, Thailand is lucky that Sondi assume the duty of the parlimentary opposition - the real opposition is viewed by the people as partisan and it's no wonder why TRT MPs would try to link Sondhi to the Democrats.

Hmm... ain't we all lucky to have a non-elected, just out of bankruptcy media tycoon representing our interests? Hehe...

So how will this grand confrontation play itself out? I myself am anxious to see what the King himself will say on his birthday speech. My gut feel his theme will be one of peace and compromise, and he will take us back to the problems in the South.

And couldn't you help but get the feeling that Sondhi has so over reached himself and is trying to remain calm on the back of a runaway tiger? Expect a strategic retreat coming soon.

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